The Zanzibar Food and Drug Agency (ZFDA) established in 2007 and operates in accordance with the Zanzibar Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act # 2 of 2006.
ZFDA has strived to reach its objectives for ensuring the Safety and Quality of Food, Drugs, cosmetics, medical devices and related products in Zanzibar. Core Regulatory Function of the ZFDA includes Products Inspection, Registration and Quality Control. Public awareness on the safety and Quality of the regulated products raised through various mass media. Despite efforts and achievement realized, ZFDA still experiences challenges including inadequate resources and little cooperation from other stakeholders and law enforcers.
I would like to express my appreciation to the commitment by ZFDA member of staffs and all collaborative partners for working hand towards protecting and promoting public health through implementation of ZFDB Act # 2 of 2006, its regulations and guidelines.
Nevertheless, I convey my sincere gratitude to development partners:- WHO, UNICEF, FAO and GF to mention few, whom in one way to another have contributed to reach the aforesaid achievements.
I believe that these few highlights will be very useful when you are visiting our website.
Thank you very much